Saturday, September 7, 2019
This junco was one of many that frequent our back patio in the winter months after we spread out some bird seed. He was actually sitting in ...
Saturday, August 31, 2019
American Robin
This one was sitting out on our bird feeder, but I decided to perch him on a twig for this painting. He's a little plump from his winter...
Monday, August 26, 2019
This is what I call a quick-stroke watercolor. If you look over my gallery you will see a few more examples of it. Every stroke is thought ...
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Memphis Bridge painting
I watched my son fly in from Murfreesboro to the Dewitt Spain airport to undergo his instrument rating check ride, then I drove a little way...
Videos on the Western Paintings
Here are a couple of videos I did as I painted the previous paintings. And another:
Western Painting Series
I have entered a new phase of my art career. As of the end of this month (August, 2019) I will have retired from my FedEx - graphic design a...
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Suburban Sunset
In this one I tried to capture the feel of a late afternoon walk I took with my family through the neighborhood. The puddle and the trail we...
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