Thursday, April 26, 2018

Live Oak Backyard

I started this one on site in a San Antonio backyard and finished it in my Tennessee studio. I love the writhing extended branches of these trees which are reminiscent of some primeval legendary beast.

I reworked this one to add more darks and contrast

Original version - darks are not dark enough.

Click here to buy this painting.

Mission ConcepciĆ³n

I painted this one on site in San Antonio, Texas at the Mission ConcepciĆ³n.

Monday, April 9, 2018

The Spring Branch

My work group took a trip to San Antonio, Texas back in 2005. One of our days there we went on an "outing" to the nearby Knibbe Ranch. I took a number of photos there and recently found them. I used one to compose this scene. Out west, sometimes they refer to a stream as a "branch".